Hero Watermark

Erosion Control

Erosion Control

AIRE Environmental's erosion control products slow water down and keep unneeded dirt out of waterways. Dewatering Bags are constructed out of a permeable geotextile that allows water to collect and then slowly filter out, leaving dirt behind. They are especially useful on jobsites, where EPA or DEQ mandated SWPPP compliance is mandatory.

Aire Dewatering Bag Action

Dewatering Bag

Our Dewatering bag provides sediment filtration needed to keep your SWPPP (Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan) in force and can help save thousands of dollars in fines and cleanup costs. These dewatering bags are designed to filter sediment and other pollutants from runoff generated during construction or demolition activities. They are highly effective in helping to prevent pollution and maintain the quality of nearby streams, lakes, and other bodies of water.

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Culver Sock Side Scaled

Culvert Sock

Prevent soil erosion from road embankments by increasing the length of the culvert and reducing the waters' speed when exiting the sock.

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Unlimited Custom Options

Do you see something that would work for your project but just doesn’t come in the shape or size you need? We can build any of our spill berms, drip containment products, stormwater containment products, bladders and tanks to your specifications.

Custom Printing

Do you need an arrow on a helicopter pad? Your logo on a spill berm? No problem! We can add thermo welded labels, latex printing and screen printing onto any of our products.

In House Engineering

Just because we haven’t thought of it does mean you don’t need it! Our Engineering team is on site with the manufacturing team and we have the fabric, equipment and experience to get your project done right and quickly.

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